While the last year ended in an alchemical way (with my challenge to paint all my Khalimanes’ army from ALKEMY), 2012 starts very apocalyptical (with EDEN the game).
In the events, I participated in two EDEN tournaments (X Chronicles at Paris and Novelle Année Apocalyptique at Herblay). I just played 4 or 5 games of EDEN in the game club, and I lost all, so in the tournaments, I didn’t have any hope to win at all, as the greatest players in the T3 rank were participating. However, I manage to finish in 2nd place in both tournaments! Maybe it was the survival instinct, the good energy’s from the cards that I borrowed from the player number 1 (in the first tournament) or the astonishing beauty from the Sisters of my army.
Still in the events, I’ll participate in painting workshop this weekend with the great master Mohand (click here for his site). I’m very excited about this workshop, I hope to ‘level-up’ my painting level.
In the painting side, I started to paint my Convoy army. I finished Otto, Jeremy, Gretchen and Louie. As I won the last release from the Matriarch (Sister Leyla) in the tournament, she’s my next target to paint.
My band from the 2nd tournament
The ISC band from Guillaume
My sisters against Tristan clowns