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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Déjà Vu

Isn’t that the same mini that you posted last week?
No, it isn’t. The last week’s miniature (click here to go to the post) was the same model, but as I gave it to my friend, I’d to paint another for me.
So, I post the photos so you can compare with the other  one and say me if it’s better, worst or the same.
Just for info, I got the miniature yesterday (and the urge made me finish it today).



Thursday, November 24, 2011

I think a saw a little kitten…

Not one little kitten, but 3 wild great cats.

First, the guepardos Méharistes of the house Malikh. I tried to paint the trousers with a camouflage scheme, but it didn’t passe in the quality inspection (did by my wife).
Then, the jaguar Jaraya of the house Malikh.
I also put a photo of all the Jarayas that I painted.







Monday, November 21, 2011

It’s a tree? An ent? No! It’s the COLOSSUS!

Last Friday I the last releases from Studio 38 for the Alkemy. When I saw the miniature of the colossus, I got an urge to paint that immediately.
Here’s the result. A lot of people in the Alkemy forum liked it a lot. Not because it was I that painted that, but in my opinion my color scheme is more cold and darker that the one of the Studio 38, so I think that it keeps more the essence of the Avalon Kingdom.

Also, I painted my last miniatures from the Aurlok Nation. I love to paint the aurloks, specially the toads. Also, for the beehive thrower, I made 3 beehives markers. I’d like to make something to represent the bees flying around them, but got none idea of what to do (any suggestion).

Hope you like it.









Saturday, November 19, 2011

Back to Paradise

I got some reinforcements for my two factions from EDEN.
Now, for the Matriarch, I need only Sister Magdalena, and I completed the Jokers.
I painted these miniatures 4 weeks ago, but didn’t have time to post them (it was awesome to paint Grigory).
I also got almost all miniatures from the Bakama Clan and Convoi, and some from the ISC, but this project will have to wait, (as my Space Hulk project).
There’ll be a LotR tournament in two weeks, and I’ll try to finish my Rohan army. I know that it’s not a good choice for a tournament, but it’ll give some motivation to finish this army.
After that, there’ll be a Alkemy tournament, and as I got some miniatures too, I’ll try to finish at least the Avalonians (I just finished to paint the colossus – waiting for the wash to dry to finish the base) and Aurloks (beehives thrower and Tankawanka).