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Monday, February 6, 2012

JFJ2012: Painting contest review

Last week-end was the ‘Journée de Figurines & Jeux 2012’ (JFJ12 for short) at Sartrouville.
I participated in the organization of this event, being in charge of the painting contests.
It was a hard work, especially that it was my first time doing an event of that size, but it was awesome.
 In the first day of the event (my day-off), I participated in the Alkemy tournament. I played as a drunken monkey, but the luck in the dices gave me a 13th place (right in the middle of the rank).
In the second day, I worked in the painting contest (witch I also participated in the Beginners’ category of the Open), receiving the subscriptions for the contests, supervising the speed-painting sections, organizing the judgment and the prizes.
The best of all was when the judges came to judge the beginners’ category. They arrived, and looked at the twenty pieces in this category. Normally, they passed about 15 minutes arguing before concluding the winner of the others categories, but in this category, one the judges just pointed at my little miniature of Chelsea (click here for the post about her) hidden behind a great dragon miniature (also mine) and said: “It’s clear! This is the one, no doubt!”, and the others judges agreed.
I was chocked! I was hopping to win something (gold were only in my wildest dreams), but never thought to be like that, so clear and easy.
More than that, I also won the silver medal in the single miniature of the EDEN category with the same miniature. The most amazing is that in this category, all levels of mastery (beginner, confirmed and master) were involved!
This conquest was very important to me. Not only because of the trophies (no doubt that they are important), but most of all they gave me confidence in my work. I know that my miniatures are well painted, but I didn’t believe that they were in the level to give me the gold (and the silver) in my first contest.

Gold: Begginer Category of the Open / Silver: Single Miniature Category of EDEN

Receiving the prize from Benoit, the CEO of TABAN Miniatures
Begginer Category. My gold miniature is the one in the red circle, at the top left.

1 comment:

  1. C'est normal Lucas, ta fig était superbe ! Ce n'est que mérité. Content que les juges, qui ont un oeil bien plus expert que le mien, soient du même avis.
    Et bein joué pour toute la gestion des différents concours de peinture. Là aussi tu as assuré comme un chef.
